Books by David B. Wright

Books by David B. Wright
David B. Wright is an award-winning, multi-bestselling author
56 Ways to Use Online Video to Crush Your Competition
Video Content Ideas to Help Your Business Attract More Clients

Coming soon! 56 Ways to Use Video to Crush Your Competition details fifty-six ideas for types of videos to use in effective marketing for your business. Even if you’re camera-shy, there are plenty of ways to leverage online videos to attract more of your ideal clients, patients or customers. From product demonstrations to customer testimonials, video sales letters and more, you’re certain to find inspiration to help you dominate your market. The book also shares tips for creating effective videos and promoting your videos. This is best used in conjunction with David’s sixth book, Video Marketing for Business.
To be published late 2020.
Video Marketing for Business
How to Use Video to Attract More Clients, Patients and Customers
Video Marketing for Business: How to Use Video to Attract More Clients, Patients or Customers is a concise, no-nonsense guide to help you reach more of your ideal clients, patients or customers by using the power of video. Whether you’re on tight budget or not, this book reveals how you can get the most return on your investment in video marketing for your business. From guidelines to creating videos, which platforms to use to reach your audience, to video ads and measuring results and conversions, this book can help you use video to attract and convert more customers.
Published December, 2019. To purchase from Amazon, click on the book cover below:
7 Ways to Make Your Phone Ring and Get More Clients in 30 Days or Less
This book is designed to give business owners and marketing management exactly what you need: more clients. You’ll learn seven ways to attract more of your ideal clients quickly. Whether you’re a solo startup or an established company with tens of millions in revenues or more, this book can help you with powerful, effective marketing strategies you can start using immediately.
What Is 7 Ways to Make Your Phone Ring and Get More Clients in 30 Days or Less all about?” This is a rare case where you CAN judge a book by its cover. This book is EXACTLY what the title says it is. It outlines seven different highly effective marketing strategies that very successful companies use every day to turbo-charge their sales and profits, fast.
It isn’t just about getting more traffic to your website. It’s about attracting more of your perfect clients and helping them reach the logical and emotional decision to do business with YOU, not your top competitor. It details 7 Ways to get powerful results, quickly.
Published January 2017. To purchase from Amazon, click on the book cover below:
Everyday Heroes (Co-author with Matt Bacak and others) (Bestseller)
A Collection of Inspirational & Motivational Stories from Around the World
Written by Everyday Heroes: Matt Bacak, Brian Evans, Alex Arnold, Ani Catino, Anthony McCarthy, Ben Bessington, Chris Hickman, Daryl Hill, David Asarnow, David Perdew, David B. Wright, Deanna Grayly, Diane Conklin, Donna Kennedy, Dushka Zapata, Eileen Forrestal, Gary Kissel, Helga Zelinski, Henry Gold, Jill Nieman Picerno, Jocelyn Jones, Kathleen Gage, Lee Nazal, Lou Brown, Milton Brown, Nick James, Pat Slattery, Paul Kelly, Paul Wakefield, Philip Perrin, Rosanne Dausilio, Sharvin Exubrio, Sherman Ragland, Suzanne Edwards, Tom Cone
To purchase from Amazon, click on the book cover below:
How Not to Get Ripped Off by an SEO Firm
Learn how not to get ripped off by an SEO firm. Learn what to look out for, what sneaky things shady companies sneak into their contracts and what red flags can help you avoid doing business with a bad SEO firm.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is pretty much required by any business that wants to get found on the Web. Sadly, it’s also ripe for shady companies out to separate you from your hard-earned cash. This is due to multiple factors: SEO is lucrative, fairly new, technical, complex, and constantly changing with every update Google and other search engines make to their search ranking algorithms. Plus it takes anywhere from three to nine months to see solid results from an SEO campaign. Some companies will sell you the dream and collect your checks, while they do nothing in the process, until you realize you’re not getting anything from your SEO investment. Meanwhile, they’ve moved on to other victims. This report reveals some of the key red flags to look out for when hiring an SEO company.
Published September, 2014. To purchase from Amazon, click on the book cover below:
Conversations with Experts (Co-author with Caren Glasser and others)
Do What You Love, Get Paid What You’re Worth
Do what you love, get paid what you’re worth! This book is designed to accelerate your business growth by learning what is working today in Sales, Marketing, Social Media, On-Line Promotion, Networking and Motivation to grow your business. Read what the experts Casey Eberhart, David Asarnow, Diane Conklin, David B. Wright, James Sheets, Danette Moss, Muhammed Siddique, David Taylor-Klaus, Tracie Kriete, Rene Kamstra, Sandra Saenz and Carolyn & Mike Lewis are saying about their passions. Let us help you connect what matters to you to what matters to someone else, in a way they want to be part of.
Published August, 2012. To purchase from Amazon, click on the book cover below:
Get A Job! Your Guide to Making Successful Career Moves (Bestseller)
Get A Job! Your Guide to Making Successful Career Moves is a comprehensive job search guide loaded with real-world advice that really works, so you can, too! It contains valuable tips, information, and resources useful to anyone considering making a career move, from entry level to seasoned C-level executives. The book is designed to help you stock your “job search tool box” with all the tools you need to get a better job, faster, and earn more money. Whether you are looking to change companies or change careers, whether you’re currently between jobs, fresh out of college, or looking for a new position within your existing company, or if your job search is in “stealth mode” or you’re happy in your present role but testing the waters to see what else is out there, this book can help.
Books by David B. Wright
Published September 2006, before many of the online tools that are available now existed yet, but the core principles still are effective. If you’d like to purchase from Amazon, click on the book cover below: