Video SEO Live Demonstration

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Yesterday, I spoke at Dr. Michael Craig’s Logical Soul Coach Training program about how to attract new clients for a coaching practice.  One of the main topics I was sharing was Video SEO and how to rank on Google by using a YouTube video.

Before I went on, I recorded a quick video with Parenting Coach Robyn Ladinsky and optimized the video, uploaded it to my YouTube channel, and optimized everything about the video that I could on YouTube.  After all, I love to over-deliver, and I thought this would be a great way to both give more than expected to one of the coaches in the training workshop as well as provide powerful proof of how effective good Video SEO can be.

Page one of Google in 20 minutes for Atlanta child coachTwenty minutes later, the video was on Page One of Google for “Atlanta child coach” – just in time for me to go on stage and talk about how video in general, and YouTube video (and Video SEO) in particular can be a powerful way to help your business get found fast so that you can get in front of your target audience and, in turn, increase your prospects and help grow your sales.

Here’s the video we did:

Short, sweet, simple and to the point, right?  No fancy editing, no slick Hollywood-style video production, just Robyn talking about who she is, what she does, and who she helps.

So here’s a quick video testimonial that Robyn was kind enough to give me:

Then THIS video also got to page one of Google in less than an hour.

Video SEO Testimonial Google page one in 52 minutes

There are a couple of key points here that can help you with marketing your business:

First, the obvious: video marketing and video SEO are extremely powerful ways to get you noticed, fast.

Second, this was a live demo I did for a speaking engagement for this workshop.  There was no pre-prep, no gimmicks, nothing of the sort.  It was transparent so the audience knew that, starting from scratch, I was able to get results extremely fast.  It was a powerful way to get that “wow” factor so that the audience immediately knew that I don’t just spew out a lot of hot air – I walk the walk.  How can you immediately connect with your audience so that they perceive you as someone credible and who can actually do what they say they can do?

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